Members are invited to attend API-IPA’s ONLINE annual general assembly on Thursday 30 September 2021, at 10:30 h
Due to the worsening corona-situation in Brussels and the restrictions ordered by the local authorities, the Residence Palace has informed us that is not possible to hold our assembly in physical (hybrid) format in one of their meeting rooms. The meeting will therefore be fully online.
The assembly is for API-members only. Members who want to attend must register by sending an e-mail to ultimately on Tuesday 28 September.
Only members who have paid their 2021 membership fee will receive the Zoom-link enabling them to attend and to vote. If you have not yet paid your 2021 membership fee, do so without delay into API’s account at Crelan bank, BE36 1030 3877 2281.
At 14:00h on the same day, another online meeting will be held open to ALL accredited Brussels correspondents, including non-API-members. In this meeting we want to assess the consequences of the Covid-crisis for the working conditions of the Brussels’ press corps, such as the dependence on online briefings and press conferences, the lack of face-to-face contacts with sources, limited access to events and buildings, the changed media arrangements and operations of the European institutions, the European Commission in particular, and the future prospects for the Brussels correspondent’s job.
Agenda for the API assembly:
- Presentation and approval of the annual accounts for the year 2020, report of commissioners; discharge of the API Board and auditors
- Presentation and approval of the draft budget for the financial year 2021, and confirmation of the membership fee for the year 2021 (€120 for employees and €70 for freelancers and active pensioners).
- The ‘state of the association’: report of our activities in 2021 by API-president Katalin Halmai. Followed by Q&A.
– API President Katalin Halmai, vice-president Teresa Küchler and vice-president Dafydd ab Iago have reached the end of their first two-year statutory term of office. They may be re-elected once for another two year term. All three are standing for re-election.
Counter candidates for all three functions can present themselves in writing to the secretary-general ( no later than Monday 27 September. Only those who have paid their 2021 membership fee can be elected.
– The three ‘free elected members’ of the API Council – Kris Van Haver, Erisa Zykaj and Thomas Friedrich – have also reached the end of their two-year term and must be re-elected. Free elected members’ do not represent a national, geographical or professional section within API (as defined in the API Statutes), but are elected in a personal capacity on the recommendation of the API Council. No term limits apply here. There is a statutory maximum of three free elected members. All three have declared that they wish to be re-elected.
This year, for the first time, these elections will be held online. Using the Zoom portal, which allows for secret voting, the confidentiality of the ‘live’ elections is guaranteed. Details of the practical arrangements will be announced during the assembly.
Any other business.
Those who have not paid their membership fee for 2021 are urged to do so without delay. Participation at the assembly is dependent on having paid. API’s efforts to defend the interests of European correspondents in Brussels benefits all journalists. API does not receive any subsidies.